January - Sausage Sizzle anyone?
Every January, Stanthorpe Rotary kicks into action as a catering machine. In December we had a bit of a warm-up with some sausage sizzles for local community organisation Christmas break-ups. Then in January we don the green shirts for Australia Day in the park, the Stanthorpe Show Lamburger Stall and then Busking@Stanthorpe. Each event bigger than the previous one. This is the time of year when we are most visible in the community and while it is a lot of work, it is a team effort and it definitely qualifies as "Service Above Self". Catering is one of the major fundraising activities that we do as a Club so not only do we feed the populace, we are also then able to offer financial support to projects in the Community. For anyone who asks why I am a Rotarian... Flipping sausages so that others with greater needs than I can be a little better off makes me HAPPY. I also get to hang with some wise and noble people with a world of knowledge and experience way beyond my own. For me, spending time with fellow Rotarians and friends while at the same time feeding the community is a far more enjoyable way to be a Rotarian than eating my own dinner in a closed room week in and week out. I don't believe that I am the only Rotarian in the world for whom less is more when it comes to traditional meetings, but perhaps I am wrong... This was a hotly debated topic at a recent meeting of our Club so feel free to add your comments to this post if you would like to either challenge or support my notions.
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