July - my plan initiates

This was the plan for meetings: Club assembly - Committee Meetings - Whist with a Twist - Italian Immersion Dinner - Navigating Technology.

Week 1 - 92.86% attendance- Club assembly is the usual way to start the year. Nothing controversial in that - we outline a plan for the year to come. Right?
My changes here were getting rid of the Head Table and the Sergeant at Arms. I didn't really think that would be overly controversial - I thought we would all enjoy sitting on an equal footing and we would behave as adults and listen when someone stood to speak. No need for bells or Chains of Office as though we are Pavlov's dogs. But it turns out that we have members in our Club who have difficulty being respectful towards their president or any other speaker, if they are not sitting at a head table with a sergeant to ring a bell and order the masses down below to be quiet and listen.
My FIRST big lesson. Running a Rotary meeting is akin to teaching a primary school class. Recognise the troublemakers quick smart, watch them like a hawk and crush any possible rebellions before they have a chance to gain momentum! On second thought, that's not a classroom - that's North Korea! We will not be North Korea! Despite opposition to change, my year as president will continue to push it. We are not Pavlov's dogs, we are intelligent people who will learn to adapt. I will stick to my original plan and we will give these changes a fair airing.
Week 2 - 67.5% attendance - Committee meetings. It is my intention to have one of these meetings a month. This is the members' chance to contribute to the planning and service activities that our Club undertakes. For too long, the weight of the success of the Club has rested on the President of that particular year. One person should not a Rotary Club make. Everyone who signs on as a member has a responsibility to contribute to this Club. Why else would you sign on? So I hope that members will use these meetings to contribute.
Week 3 - 76.92% attendance - Some Rotarians enjoy evenings of fun and fellowship. What better way for a group to enjoy themselves than a games evening. Whist is fun, easy to pick up and inclusive for everyone. I think that those who participated had a great night. Those that didn't come, missed out!
Week 4 - 82.5% attendance - We team up with Lions and Zonta to support the students from our local high school in fundraising for an International Study tour. This one ticks all the boxes - Service in the areas of youth, international, community and education as well as working together with other community organisations and local schools. $800 donated to this venture.
Week 5 - 47.5% attendance - I believe that good communication is the key to successful ventures in life. In this fast-paced world with people often unable to make it to meetings, we need to stay abreast of happenings with good electronic communication. This was an evening to help those who struggle with technology to learn about Rotary's website, Clubrunner, Facebook, etc. As always when computers are involved, there were some technical issues but hopefully those who came, learned something. If you are reading this now, there is a good chance that you did! What boxes did this evening tick? Rotary is about serving others but sometimes I think it is also nice to serve ourselves with a little personal and professional development. I was very pleasantly surprised by the members who attended this evening. I mean no disrespect by this, but they were, in large part, the members who I suspect are the most technologically challenged. Good on you for accepting the challenge to improve yourselves.

One month down, 11 to go!


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