February and on to the darkness at the end of the tunnel...

It is now mid-August 2018 so it has been more than 6 months since I have felt a desire to sit and write about Rotary. My last post was reasonably positive... I thought that maybe our Club was turning a corner towards a more hip and happening future. Then we had an Assembly. This is a members only meeting, a bit like an AGM but without the elections and it is an opportunity to "air your dirty laundry" if you have any. It turns out, my positive thoughts were premature. I got a lot of criticism from a small minority about my leadership of the Club. The majority of the room said very little. I should have been able to take that as a good thing and just ignore the "squeaky wheels" but I guess I'm not built that way and I took it very much to heart. I deflated like a stale balloon. That's why I stopped writing. I didn't have the energy in me. I have several family members in the Rotary Club and at this point in the year they all went tripping off to Europe f...