September - Baby Steps

So after a flurry of posts last month (because I started my blog late) I have had a pause for a month and have taken this time to do a stocktake of the year so far. I have received feedback that I have been too negative, and looking at August, I agree that this is the case however, this is how I felt in August and the point of all this is to tell the truth about what being the President of the Stanthorpe Rotary Club feels like for me. It doesn't really matter if you agree or disagree with me - it's how I feel. I have been told that my writing this has turned away potential members for our Rotary Club but I have also been told that it's about time we address the problems within Rotary because they, also, are a reason that members have left our Club in the past. I cannot be the only member of the Club who has had a conversation with someone where they indicate that they know what Rotary is and what Rotary does and they think it a good organisation but are not interested in ...